this is probably the longest of this collection of among us, and I was surprised at how dumb the ship's crew were, so I guess they all deserved to be killed!!!
this is probably the longest of this collection of among us, and I was surprised at how dumb the ship's crew were, so I guess they all deserved to be killed!!!
wow, I had loved that this was the only one where the purple color was not the impostor, but it seems strange to me that the purple one had teeth and the rest did not!!!
okay, this is the worst submission for the among us collection, that's why it has the worst possible low rating!!!
well, I expected something better than this somewhat simplistic animation for me!!!
really very amazing was this episode!!!
Thank you so much!
wow, to be just a test, it was not bad at all!!!
I guess oneyplays would be like the predecessors of game grumps, no??
Honestly I have never played this game, but thanks to this I know where this is going!!!
excellent collaboration and spectacular was the song, very good rhythm I have in this!!!
Well, honestly, I'm 24 and when I turn 25 I'll be in crisis, according to what they told me.
but yes, I really liked the parts of the liveaction!!!
Age 27, Male
Joined on 11/30/12