oh wow, I didn't expect Mr. Hair to be Dora's voice, and also that Dora was ridiculously stretched!!!
oh wow, I didn't expect Mr. Hair to be Dora's voice, and also that Dora was ridiculously stretched!!!
oh well this feels like a good creepypasta!!!
well, this was really short, but the soft voice turned out well, I can even say that it was not explicit at all but rather something very hot!!!
This is much funnier if you saw it in the pandemic, that you would not even understand it than what happened in 2020!!!
so you had a sleepover, and at the same time a paranormal experience, just wow!!!
oh wow, two years have passed since this pico day collaboration and that thanks to fnf, pico is now well known outside of NG!!!
oh well, this was a very sexual music video, even I would say that the messages were too clear!!!
oh wow, great chapter and a good short acclaimed by all, I also liked the part of the bugs on the sofa, since it seems as if they are really walking towards my screen!!!
oh wow, another ayb with humor from the policy made in the year in which george bush was the most idiotic president of the united states!!!!
You must have come to sell those clothes??
Age 27, Male
Joined on 11/30/12